Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well today is such a special holiday to me. It was so nice to be with family today. I have so much to be thankful for. Our new addition, Charlee Rae mostly but also I am so thankful for my faith. I feel so lucky to be given such amazing family and amazing friends, its hard not to love my God so much. Today at dinner it was hard not to get teary eyed hearing Derick pray before dinner because you just sit there and think how great it is that our family can do that. As stressful as the holidays are I absolutely love them. I wish we could see everyone on the holiday but my mom and Dericks dad were very understanding that we had to skip them this thanksgiving. Christmas should be interesting, we have lots and lots of traveling to do. We want to be able to fit everyone in but unfortunately Charlee sometimes does not let us follow through with our plans! We can only see I suppose.
On another note; Charlee turned 6 weeks old yesterday! That is so incredible. She is growing rapidly. It seems like yesterday I was holding her for the first time in the hospital but at the same time it seems like we have had her forever! She is so amazing. Every smile, every cry and every little move she makes does something different to your heart. She is going through a growth spurt I think right now because she is changing her sleeping schedule completely! She is eating more often and sleeping more often. Growing is very exhausting :) She has so many smiles lately, it melts my heart. Her favorite thing to do is sit on your lap and just watch. She likes to sit and hold her head up, I think it makes her feel like shes in charge.. even though she always is. She also has started standing with her own strength. We just hold her to give her some balance. Thats when she looks really old. There are so many new treats ahead!  Having a kid is so fun, its hard to remember what I did with my time before or even what I talked about. She is all I think about anymore.
Unfortunately.. I have to go back to work on Saturday. I am so sad about this. Not because I dont think Derick can take care of her but because I am going to miss her so much. I noticed today I was a little on edge just knowing I am going to have to leave her for ten hours soon. At the same time I am excited to see some of my favorite clients saturday and hang out with my friends from work. I know it will be a nice break from being full time mom, which is way more difficult than massaging even the biggest man.
Here are some pictures for you to enjoy from the last month or so!
so sweet :)

Snuggling with papa!


Uncle John got to feed her for the first time!

and dad being dad!

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